How we can support you in the planning and processing of pipe systems, special components, and manifolds.


It’s not just those that work on the construction site who appreciate time saving measures and processes. Architects, planners, site managers, and specialists can also benefit from such an advantage. The prefabrication of components for plant and piping systems can be such a resource-saving project step. Find out over the next 18 pages how aquatherm prefabrication supports you in this respect with your project. Our checklist helps you to prepare for prefabrication and the associated process.

Amongst others, you will find the answers to the following questions about aquatherm prefabrication:

  • What advantages does prefabrication offer you as a planning engineer?
  • How does aquatherm proceed step by step with prefabrication?
  • What does prefabrication at aquatherm look like in practice?

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